computer generation

Computers generation

Generations of Computer: The modern computer took its shape with the arrival of your time. It had been around the 16th century when the evolution of the computer started. The initial computer faced many changes, obviously for the betterment. It continuously improved itself in terms of speed, accuracy, size, and price to urge the form of the fashionable day computer.

1. First Generation of Computers(1940 – 1956): The period from 1940-1956 was the period of first-generation computers. They are basically based on vacuum tubes, and vacuum tubes are used as the basic components for memory and circuitry for CPU (Central Processing Unit). For e.g., UNIVAC-1 And ENIVAC

2. Second Generation of Computers (1957 – 1963): The second generation of computers consists of two types of devices transistors and magnetic core. For e.g., IBM 1401, IBM 1920, etc.

3. Third Generation of Computers(1964 – 1971): Jack Kilby invented the Integrated Circuit. This Integrated Circuit replaced the use of transistors in the third generation of computers. Integrated Circuits itself consists of many transistors, capacitors, and resistors and due to this third-generation computers are smaller in size, efficient, and more reliable. For e.g., CDC 1700, IBM-360 Series, etc.

4. Fourth Generation of Computers(1972 onward): VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) Circuit or they are also known as microprocessors are used in Fourth generation computers. Microprocessor chip is made up of thousands of Integrated Circuits build on a single silicon chip. The use of Personal Computer(PCs) increased in this generation and First Personal Computer (PC) was developed by IBM. For e.g., Apple, CRAY-1, etc. 

5. Fifth Generation of Computers(Present and Future): It is based on Artificial intelligence (AI) software. Artificial intelligence describes the medium and way of making computers like humans, the way human think, the way humans act, etc. and this is an emerging branch and has all the scopes for research work too. For e.g., PARAM 10000, IBM notebooks, etc.


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